Greetings to whom this may present,
Welcome to the Peer Reporter, a space dedicated to where you will find information on things concerning the Illinois Firefighter Peer Support Team (ILFFPS) and more. My name is Tim Grutzius, one of the Peer Coordinators for the team, and I have the privilege of maintaining this conduit of information. However, this is a team blog and all are welcome to submit anything, on any topic, related to our mission of providing both peer support and behavioral health education. To get this conversation started, here is a list of ideas to which you may feel free to add to:
· Reports from the field: Personal accounts of team members and Firefighter Psychological Support (FPS) therapists on what it was like to make a difference in a firefighter or paramedic’s life (thoughts, feelings, etc.).
· Profiles and Interviews: Interviews of team members and FPS therapists that will provide readers added depth of choice and best possible match to suit their needs.
· General Information: On fundraisers, workshops, training opportunities, etc.
· Illinois Holistic Wellness Initiative: This initiative is going to provide readers with the mind-body-spirit basics of self-care, as outlined in the 3rd Edition of the IAFF-IAFC Wellness Fitness Initiative. Our goal is to breathe life into this all important document that was first published in 1997.
· Miscellaneous info: Any other information (websites, blogs, Twitter feeds, Facebook pages, etc.) you wish to share with readers that you feel will help them life a more balanced existence.

If you are willing to contribute to this project, send all submissions to [email protected]. We are living in the here and now of something much greater than ourselves: giving a voice to behavioral health in the fire service. Until next time-
Take care, be well, and stay safe